RMO Help For Your California Contractors License
So you tried applying for a license and you either don't have enough work experience documentation or can't pass the test?
🠊 We can help you properly and legally set up your new corporation and license.
You may have heard of the term RMO
—this stands for Responsible Managing Officer: a qualified individual who can sponsor your own company for a new contractors license. If you have a trusted family/friend who is a licensed CA contractor, they can be your RMO. Properly set up, you will have your own new license for your own registered corporation, using your RMO’s qualified background so there is no examination involved.
After five years of keeping your license active, you can then apply to replace your RMO and waive the exams based on your years of good standing.
Keep in mind, however, that your RMO will be responsible for the quality of work your company will be performing for the next 5 years. This is why we usually recommend you choose an RMO who already knows you and will be comfortable taking on this position for your company
Once you have a willing RMO, we can help you properly and legally set up your new corporation and license.
Call us for more information: 800.580.8129