License Renewal Fees Increased

The California CSLB is increasing the renewal fees effective as of 02/01/2020. They have increased it from $400 to $450, and C-10 Electrical contractors are required to pay a higher renewal of $470 to cover the CSLB’s fees of enforcing electrician certification requirements.

This means that any licensees whose renewal is due after 02/01/2020 must pay the increased fees. For example: if your license renewal is due on 02/29/2020 or after, even if you pay early in January, you still have to pay the increased fees.

Delinquent renewal fees have also been increased from $600 to $675 so please make sure to keep an eye on your renewal dates. The renewal form is sent out once to the address on record. If you moved and forgot to change your address, you will not receive the renewal form in the mail and will be responsible with contacting the CSLB for a duplicate copy.

The updated schedule of renewal fees can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding your renewal, or need information on how to get a duplicate copy, please contact us for a free consultation.